Furniture design-
Kids study table design inspired by the flow and softness of a rose. The form is derived from a rose and its petals.
Interior design concept for a liberary at home.
Pedestal lamp design inspired by a rose.
Pedestal lamp design inspired by a rose
Compact dinning table concept inspired by the form of an egg
Concept sketch for a stall of a flower vendor.Factors like, theft, water managment and cost of the stall are taken in consideration..
Compact resting cabin design inspired by the form of an egg.
Living room wall design- Interior design concept
Bed design for a contemperory master bedroom- handicraft intervention in terms of the motif.
Interior design concept sketch
Water tap concept for kids bathroom. Inspiration is derived from a toy duck
A conceptual excersise to incerese the perceived value of scotch bright by adding some extra functional and aesthetic value, without increasing the cost of production
 A conceptul excersise to increase the perceived value of an existing design by adding some design element to it.
Footwear design concept- Mens footwear
Concept sketches
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Concept sketches

Concepts on furniture, Interior and product design

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