Folio Arts profil

Sam Kalda - In The Studio

Sam Kalda
In The Studio
His typical day: I wake up, check emails, drink coffee and read for about an hour. Then I get to the studio between 9 and10am. At that point, my schedule is dictated by deadlines. If I'm free schedule-wise, I work on paintings or work on some ideas for other projects. 
The most inspirational quote he's heard: A painting professor once told me, "You have to make work for yourself before you can make it for anyone else." I really believe that. 
How he found his illustration style: I think most artists have a vague notion of their own style, but it's usually other people who can really point out a visual continuity. Besides being informed by influences, I think I've learned to trust my drawings, quirks and all, and not to be too fussy with making every contour and shape "perfect." 
Sam Kalda - In The Studio

Sam Kalda - In The Studio

Sam Kalda - In The Studio
