Swish: Sustainable diaper cleaning system.

The Big Problem: Disposable Convenience

Commonly used disposable diapers are a huge sustainability problem in the United States. Even before the landfill, the energy and resources used in the production of disposable diapers is very intensive.

The economic burden of disposable diapers on low income families is extremely high.

Evidence suggests that chemicals used in disposable diapers are having an adverse effects on babies health, increasing instances of diaper rash, and other potential health risks.

The Solution: Use cloth diapers!

Moms are ahead of the pack, but it’s not easy

Moms already know the benefits of cloth diapers, they have a high level of environmental awareness. There are still significant barriers to adopting cloth diapers, the amount of time required to wash them.
“At the end of the day, I don’t know a single mom with the kind of time required of cloth diapers."

Encouraging sustainability

How can we empower mothers to use more sustainable cloth diapers?
Current Methods require time and energy!

There’s no standard way to wash diapers, so mothers develop their own strategies. Most moms hand wash, use their family clothes washer, or a stand-alone machine.
Fullsize machine washing

High Energy/Water Usage / Inefficient. Can’t wash other clothes.
Not Designed for waste. May not be in the home.
“Ick” factor: Contaminating other clothes and fear of.
Hand washing

Cons: High water usage. Unsanitary.
High Ick Factor. Labor and Time Intensive.
Stand-alone devices.

Cons: Highly Labor Intensive. Awkward to use.
No cold/ Hot Cycles. Crude Appearance
Opportunity Mapping

An opportunity space exists for a convenient, energy efficent stand-alone washer.
Technology brainmap

What new and emergent technologies can we apply to the problem?

A spherical shaped washer combines the advantages of vertical and horizontal washers.
Photovoltaic and solar thermal collectors power motors and efficently heat water.
Natural ‘soap nuts’ can be grown with the sterile ‘graywater’ waste.
Ballpoint Ideation

Visual metaphors are inspirational images are used to develop the direcion of the washer.
Sketch Modelling

Yellow foam sketch models to explore more directions, and validate scale decisions.
Design Direction

Form and details worked out through digital sketching.
Motor Configuration

Sphere design allows combined efficiency of front loading and upright washing machines. 
Product Cycle

The swish uses a closed life cycle, reusing the greywater to grow soapnuts for the next wash.
Final Model

Modelled in Solidworks and rendered with Modo.
Swish - 2008

Swish - 2008

Swish: Sustainable diaper cleaning system.
