Anthony Petrie sin profil

Personal Branding Style Guide 2015

The below work is a branding style guide for...myself. I really needed to become more consistant with how I display my brand and use my logo/wordmark. By making a set of "rules", it will become easier to know when and how to use my visual identity to promote myself and my work, as well as allow me to be more efficient when making decisions about how I exhibit. The addition of design elements will also allow me to create branded product inspired by my (often never utilized) social media handle @zombiebacons. This is by far the best reference tool that I've made for myself as as independent freelance designer. Cleaner designs, faster decision-making for collateral material, and a fun way to promote my work under an umbrella that doubles as its own product line. I'll be rolling this new direction out over the next few months. If you're a freelance artist, I highly suggest copying this format for your own business, it is an invaluable tool for consistency, organization and efficiency when promoting your work.
Personal Branding Style Guide 2015


Personal Branding Style Guide 2015

The below work is a branding style guide for...myself. I really needed to become more consistant with how I display my brand and use my logo/word Se mer
