S. Jorge is an annual regional scout's celebration, organised every year by a different scout's group of the region.
This year Scout Group 319 - Santa Joana volunteered to organise it, since it was also seen as a way of celebrating the group’s anniversary.
I helped the organising team by creating the illustrations for the passport (a booklet that all the members of the participating teams carried, where the scores of the games would be registered as well as the names of the members of the “family”), the insignia for the uniform, the t-shirt to be worn by the organization volunteers, the facebook banner and profile image and the posters.
Facebook Banner.
Announcement Poster.
Horizontal Poster with program.
The passport:
A booklet carried by all the members of the participating teams (designated by “families”, that had members from the wolf cubs to the rovers), that kept the scores of the games, the names of the members, the most important contacts, a message from the Regional and Group leaders, and an extra game that consisted in collecting stickers in certain games to complete the booklet.
These stickers were meant to represent the most important saints celebrated in the region.
Back and front of the passport.
First spread. Contains the most important contacts and the identification of the family.
Middle spread. Contains the scores of the games and mimics a Monopoly gameboard, with all the streets named after streets in Santa Joana and the elements taken after the story that inspired the activity.
Last spread. The sticker album before.
The album after all the stickers being collected.
Volunteer's T-shirt.
S. Jorge 2015

S. Jorge 2015

S. Jorge is an annual regional scout's celebration, organised every year by a different scout's group of the region. This year Scout Group 319 - Read More
