Profiel van Chi Birmingham

Digital Sketchbook: September 2015

Digital Sketchbook: September 2015
Usually my sketchbook is a place for me to take a little break from the screen and flex my drawing muscles without burning myself out on the tools that I use for my commissioned work. However, as a result, I fear I might not be giving myself the chance of stumbling upon new ways of taking advantage of my vectors. I had slow couple of weeks anyway, so I decided to move my sketchbook habit over to the Cintiq. One hour of drawing every work day for two weeks. Some days worked better than others, but I definitely felt a lot looser with my digital drawing by the end of the experiment, and ended up with a couple of wierd little ideas that I hope to explore further.
Flamingo on F Train, 1973.
Alpha Mallard
Frat Duck
Smoothie Lover
Navigator's Console
Desert Freakout
Friendly Neighorhood Illustrator
Mystery Solver
Rainbow Rocker
John Connor on Holiday
Droid Repair
Simon Pheonix Collection, Fall 2032
Incident at Prison Colony 5
Things that don't start with N.
Pink Smoke
Thanks for reading!

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Digital Sketchbook: September 2015

Digital Sketchbook: September 2015

A roundup of client + personal work from the last couple of months. Enjoy!
