I found myself easily drawn towards moon phases; why exactly? I couldn’t really tell you to be quite honest; this was drawn in using a B lead pencil that upon reflection it could have been done better using pen.
Watch Face
I have this watch that i’ve always said was to be worn on a special occasion, it was bought in a place that has influenced me greatly and which i love very dearly. This was created in Adobe Illustrator and my only regret is that it doesn’t show enough detail that the actual was has.
Every hand tells a different story and age throughout someones life just as their soul does. This was created through Adobe Illustrator and upon reflection as pretentious  as it sounds there's nothing that I physically need to force myself to change about it; sometimes there are things that you feel so deep down that it needs to change and yet this is not one of them.
This come from the chorus of from Twenty One Pilots song Migraine. This particular lyric influences me as it’s about mental health which can progress over time. This was drawn with Faber-Castell fine line marker which upon reflection I would fix up the image and make it more clearer.
Apartment of Three.
This shows three little apartments above each other telling a different story of the person who lives within. This was created using a Faber-Castell fine line marker and three different coloured highlighters. Upon reflection I would make sure the stroke of each highlighter would be going the same direction.
Little Red
This was admittedly inspired by the following picture that I had already thought of long before this one; this image depicts Little Red (Riding Hood) walking through the forest. This was created using Faber-Castell fine line marker and a red pen. Upon reflection I would only change the strokes of the pine trees in to make them all look more similar.
Modern Little Red
This image is what inspired the previous, in that I was wondering about children’s stories and how Little Red (Riding Hood) would look within the modern era as let’s face it, wearing an actual cape would generally gain a lot of suspicion. Upon reflection I might only add additional background similar to the previous image of a forest.
A Dream
This was very spontaneous and I’m not entirely sure what was the inspiration for this. It’s just a little story of an octopus dreaming of performing the piano in front of a crowd. This was hand drawn using a Faber-Castell fine line marker and coloured pencils.
This was created during the tutorial on a Friday morning, we were asked to go out and create a series of images that told a story, I took this as I could physically make a story by creating a GIF of cars driving past the university campus. This was created using my iPhone to take pictures and Adobe Photoshop to make the actual GIF itself. upon reflection if I were to change anything it would have been to take the actual photos horizontally instead of vertically.
Wizard Cast (1/3)
This is one of a three part series. This tells the story of a wizard casting a spell on a knight who is trying to get to a castle to rescue a princess. This was created using Faber-Castell watercolour pencils.
Knight in shining armour (2/3)
This is one of a three part series. This tells the story of a wizard casting a spell on a knight who is trying to get to a castle to rescue a princess. This was created using Faber-Castell watercolour pencils.
Castle (3/3)
This is one of a three part series. This tells the story of a wizard casting a spell on a knight who is trying to get to a castle to rescue a princess. This was created using Faber-Castell watercolour pencils.
Older Men declare war but it's the youth that must fight and die - Herbert Hoover
Coming from a military family this is a quote that has stuck to me since I first heard it; it’s a quote from an American President Herbert Hoover and I have created this typographic poster quote in attempt to shape it similar to that of a hand granade.
Jurassic Trio of terror.
Using the Jurassic world as a inspiration using Chis Pratts’ character ‘taming’ and stopping dinosaurs in hurting others - in this particular picture it depicts him stopping Tony Abbott, Christopher Pyne and Joe Hockey from doing future harm to others. This was had drawn using a HB pencil.
The Almightly Abbott.
This was a picture created in Adobe Illustrator of Tony Abbott holding his most important possession in his hands. Upon reflection all I would do differently would be to add more money around him to be quite honest.
A simple morning. 
This is an average day of how I get to uni created using Faber-Castell fine line marker during a morning tutorial.
Destroyer of worlds.
This is yet another quote but this is by Robert Oppenheimer the creator of the Atomic Bomb. This was created in Adobe Photoshop using the brush tool to create a connection/reference to the bombing itself in Japan. This quote has always grabbed my attention; I'm not entirely sure as to why but it means something to me.
This was created using a DSLR and eventually Adobe Photoshop to create the spot colour within the photo. I chose this as the poppy has become the symbol of remembrance.
And just breathe.
As simple as it is a semicolon had multiple meanings for me, as a writer to help continue on a sentence and as a web designer as this is needed to be added at the end of every line of CSS within your code. But this also my own "mind over matter" as it means just to stop for a moment, take a breath and continue on; and this is something a lot of others see in it as well, hence the image. This was created in Adobe Illustrator and turned into a vector image.
Sharp (1/2)
This is the first in a two part series. This was created using a DSLR and a light covered with a green sheet to add depth to the subject.
Sharp (2/2)
This is the second in a two part series. This is the black and white version of the previous image, this was turned into black and white in Adobe Photoshop. Upon reflection I believe that the black and white version makes the subject look softer.
Soft (1/2)
This is the first in a two part series. This was created using a DSLR and a light covered with a green sheet to add depth to the subject; this was angled in a way that made the background pure black.
Soft (2/2)
This is the first in a two part series. This is the black and white version of the previous image, this was turned into black and white in Adobe Photoshop. This particular photograph due to the saturation makes the subject look saddened.
Self portrait (1/2)
Now the fact that there are two of these makes me sound admittedly very narcissistic but liked how both turned out. This was taken with a DSLR with natural light and defused through a curtain.
Self portrait (2/2)
This is a continuation of the last image in that it was taken into Adobe Illustrator and image traced into black and white. 
Sleeping (1/2)
This is the first in a two part series. She was sleeping, I had a DSLR at my disposal, therefore logic went out the window and I shoved it in her face and she woke up, which was really good at the time seeing as she snores like crazy. Taken in Natural lighting defused by curtain.
Sleeping (2/2)
This is the second in a two part series. Again she was sleeping and I decided to take a closer photo of her using a DSLR and a Macro lens I had borrowed from the University campus equipment hire. In reflection I would go back and see if I could get most of it in focus instead of just the tip of her noise.
This was taken using a DSLR. This little guy, who for some bizarre reason I’ve been calling Elvis for the longest time I’m not even sure why, was sitting on the windowsill near the kitchen. Upon reflection I would change the photo by cropping the window out of the picture.
Little ball of terrier
This was taken using a DSLR with natural lighting. Upon reflection if I could go back to when I took the photo I would remove the green hose in the background out of the shot.
This was taken using a DSLR in natural lighting defused by curtain. I wanted to take a photo of an every day object and I was intrigued by depth of field created.
I haven’t the foggiest as to how I managed this one, there are no edits, no nothing. Actually this photo was taken purely for testing the setting on the camera I had just borrowed from the university campus equipment hire. I don’t know why I like it but I do, there’s just something erie about it, cold, sterile I could keep writing gibberish but I won’t.
Created using Adobe Illustrator this was the second pattern I made during the tutorial on a Friday morning.
Skin (1/2)
This is the first in a two part series. This was created using a DSLR and a Macro lens I had borrowed from the University campus equipment hire. This was taken in natural lighting defused by curtain.
Skin (2/2)
This is the second in a two part series. This particular photo was taken when playing around with the manual setting of the DSLR.
This was taken with a DSLR. I wanted to get a photo of the stitches in the material. Upon reflection I would ensure that more of the material was in focus.
Dog fur
This was actually quite the difficult photo to get as he was moving around ridiculously quickly and trying to get him to hold still for two seconds was a nightmare. This was taken with a DSLR and natural lighting.
I was intrigued by the texture of the grapes with residue of being in the fridge. This was taken in natural light with a DSLR
Orange Room
I was testing out patterns and the idea of creating a simple two walls and floor “room” with each area distinguished with a different pattern.
I was playing around with different materials and I found that I preferred this the most for no real apparent reason. This was drawn with two tones of blue coloured pencils mirroring each other.
One per day
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