Gail Blumberg's profile

Corporate Identity

Corporate logo for Adobe. Designed circa 1990 and still going strong.
Logo for Adobe Type Manager, which reduced the jagged appearance of type on screen.
Identity that resembles the pinwheels I remember from trips to the zoo at an early age.
Identity for private airplane navigational system. I like the subtle "G" form in the yellow arrow.
This identity communicates the power of the social network for problem solving.
Identity for a company that is now out of business. Ironically, their mission was to help companies wind down.
In honor of Roger Black, who has a predilection for logos that are red, black and white.
Norman Nye, the company's founder suggested using the square root symbol in the logo,
it turned out to be a lovely stylized "v".
Identity for a company that creates personal cloud solutions. Funambolo in Italian means acrobat or tight-rope walker.
Identity for a solar power company that was swallowed up by a larger energy company.
The blades of the sun were shaped like the blades of the product's generator.
Corporate Identity

Corporate Identity

Various corporate logos
