American Red Cross 
"BusinessOnline guided the American Red Cross Biomedical Services through an engagement initially focused on consolidating 30+ regional websites into one site. The organization had 30+ regional websites without a unified online presence. This led to inconsistencies in critical information such as blood drive schedules, sub-optimal search engine optimization, and varied brand presence. We addressed these areas with a thoughtful, customized and well executed plan.

BusinessOnline helped bring consistency to their online brand presence– a big part which is their online presence. User feedback was also very positive – emphasizing ease-of-use and intuitive organization. We made it simpler for users to get answers related to donations. From an operational standpoint, the cost to host and maintain their online presence was reduced significantly."

What I contributed: Interface layout and styling. Concept development. Branding consistency. 
American Red Cross

American Red Cross

Web Designs & Social Campaigns
