Perfil de Roger White

The Guardian Fashion Spread

The Guardian Fashion Spread
Retouching, Pre-Press, Artwork
For this issue of the Guardian magazine I was requested to make a composite image from 7 different photographs. This would intal of 6 model shots and one of the background.

Each model image required cutting out and matching the overall tones so they all appear to be of the same image. Once combined onto the background image shadows had to be cast for realism behind each model.

The final image is adjusted for colour, proofed to the client and once approved the image is dropped into the line work file (InDesign) with the article text and proofed as a whole, on approval the file is sent to print.
Background image
The six individual images of the model
Final retouched composite photoshop artwork
Final image placed into the magazine line work, this is the final printed page
The Guardian Fashion Spread

The Guardian Fashion Spread

For this issue of the Guardian magazine I was requested to make a composite image from 7 different photographs. This would intal of 6 model shots Leer más


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