This collection is about Julie’s interaction with her craft, the practical application of a skill, that aids to quantify an emotional connection with her family and friends. An expression of care, this collection is a mixture of an
analytical view of the materials and tools, with an historical context of the things she has produced and the process used to construct them.

My mum has knitted for thirty years, creating things for family and friends. She makes things for the fun of it, for the making and for the person it’s going too. She has knitted my whole life and it is one of the things I identify with her personality, it’s what makes her mum. This collection is hers, collected over the thirty years. It holds many memories for her, the things she’s made and for who she’s made them. There are hand me downs, forgotten loans and charity shop finds. Things we have made or given her. Favoured tools, scissors only for the knitting bag, a tape measure from her grandmother, the number 5 needles adapted by my dad.Its about love.

julie, knitting

julie, knitting

booklet design for a small exhibition.
