flow 是一个品牌概念也是一个app的概念。 

App部分: 在这个app中,用户日常使用电子日历生成的日常活动变成了个人时间使用的日记,并且转化成三种代表紧张和松弛活动的脑电波-Alpha、Beta、Theta,通过这种基于个人每日数据的直观图形化,用户可以从新奇的角度观察自己生活中各种活动属于紧张的快节奏还是松弛的慢节奏。App同时还提供了总结功能,可以观看过去每天、每周、每月以及每年的生活节奏,总结中会给出三种脑电波所占百分比,因此,代表紧张的alpha所占比越高说明生活节奏越快。 

品牌部分: 在app中每个人产生的数据是独一无二的,因此,flow的品牌也更适合用可变的动态识别呈现。首先flow的品牌识别由基本的logo和脑电波的图形组成,而用户在使用app过后产生的个人数据可以通过分析转化成属于自己的flow logo。每个人的flow logo都会根据自己的日常活动有所区别,因此用户可以在社交网络上分享属于自己的flow logo,从而与品牌产生密切互动。
flow is a concept project I finished in my MA course in University of The Arts London. This is a project started with a research question: How could I inspire people to see their life pace from a different perspective.
“flow” is a brand that engaging users to look at their schedule differently through the interaction with the application. By sharing their own identity about their schedule and brainwave pattern, users been encouraged to reevaluate their daily activity thus making them more aware of their life pace. People who living in the modern life and felt overwhelming about the fast life pace are main target group of this brand. 
The brand is associated with an application that transform personal schedule into brainwave patterns in order to offer a new perspective to users about their schedule. 
The main idea of this brand and application is combining individual`s two type of daily rhythm: the unnatural rhythm - “schedule rhythm”, the natural rhythm - brainwave. 
Through using of this application, users can generate their own logo. That resulted in the generative identity system, which every personal logo is a representation of their brain wave pattern.



An app and brand that make users look their schedule and life pace differently.
