Competition, Motivation & Collaboration
SoFit is an app that merges Social media with Fitness to motivate, connect and aid people in their fitness lifes.
Profile Page -  Show me what you do best
The profile page allows users to show off what they do best by selecting 3 exercises/personal records which will be displayed on the bottom section of their profile. This also acts as a way of recording progress over time in those exercises.
Accompanying the main profile page is the photo page and feed page like we've become accustomed to with the likes of twitter and such. In addition to a list of all the recorded personal records which appears upon scrolling down on the profile section.
Navigation Drawer
The nav drawer incorporates a useful element that allows the user to view their 3 favourite personal records without having to open up their profile page. This gives the nav drawer more purpose than just for navigation.
Activity Feed
Adding to the Activity Feed - Updating Personal Records
Any fitness enthusiast knows that Personal Records in the gym are an event and something to tell their friends about. This is translated in the app by making "Add a new pr" an option in the menu. Its presence in the menu makes every new pr an event, both in the process of adding it and it's appearance on the feed that will in turn be seen by your friends.
This goes without saying but adding a pr need to be quick and easy to execute. This is achieved with a scrolling feature typically used to set time and date. This particular feature was perfect for updating the pr's because the figures are already defined meaning no input is necessary and more times that not an improvement will only be slight, so arrows allow for reduced time in arriving at the desired figure.
The Personal Record page is simple and shows all the useful elements that come with achieving the pr, including the progression both in weights and rep as well as the time it was recorded. There is however, room to expand what's on show on this particular page to let the user see how they rank among their friends within a similar weight range and a summative display of the progress achieved in specified time periods, be it in 6 months or in a year.
New Gym Session
Very simplistic way to add a new session to the feed not only to show people what you're doing in the gym on any particular day but as a way to promote collaboration with friends and followers.
Fitness Target
Like your typical steps app that records the number of steps you've made since you last achieved your steps target. Now you can compete with your friend to see who's the most active. 
Adding Text based, video & images posts
Posting on the feed is as simple as you might expect. The tab allows for the selection of either text based post or photo/video based post. With posting a video, you get the option to select what the video is about to better direct your friend as to the content of the video and to help the app categorize the video if it makes it to the discovery section.
I felt it was necessary to split the notifications into three sections to give users the option to pick and choose what to attend to and so as not to overload the user.
With all the aforementioned features, this app only caters to those that currently embrace the fitness lifestyle. This section of section of the app caters to the beginners looking to embrace and take up the fitness lifestyle. This section had to be to able to guide the user/newbies to the content that was going to help them achieve their goals, hence the categorization of both the How-To section and the topic of  the content in the sliding menu. The Discover feature focuses on a mixture of video, text and image based content and is selected from the content posted by other users.
Thanks for watching!!
Social Fitness App

Social Fitness App

SoFit is an app for fitness enthusiasts as well as beginners

