Lesley Quists profil

Mad Max: Fury Road

I've been wanting to make a poster for this movie for quite some time now and with the "summer season" kicking in I finally had some extra time on my hands to work on a new project. I started with the base outlines and getting the camera perspective and composition the way I wanted it to be. For this project I wasn't too concerned if the scene would be "scientifially accurate". Therefore it looks like the supercharger is popping through an extremely large gap in the hood but I didn't wanted to cut off the engine underneath the hood.
Sometimes I get too carried away and only tend to focus on the illustration. I end up struggeling with the type. Therefore I decided to do some quick mockups before finalizing the illustration. Also in this stage I've added the rest of the engine and re-modelled the blower so that it matches with the Supercharger from the movie.

I also wanted to incorporate smoketrails in this artwork, something which can be quite tricky to model as a physical shape. After some experimenting I came up with quite a neat technique by converting a superspray with blobmesh particles into an editable model and adding a few twist and bend modifiers to it. I'm quite happy the way it turned out in the right picture so I'll defenitely try to use this technique again sometime.
I've rendered the shading separately from the lines for the final artwork. Also I've rendered the outlines, overlay- and smooth group lines separately so I would have much more controll over the artwork in photoshop. I'm really happy with the smoke trails in the back but unfortunately I had to cut off half of the trails for the final artwork to make the illustration work with the typography.
I've added a lot of color correction to the final artwork. I didn't like the purple hues and saturation from the previous artwork very much and decided to change them for blues, grey's and sand colors to give it more of this "Mad Max-grunge" kind of feeling (if that expression even makes sense at all). I've used a font called "Kentucky Bourbon" as the base for my title but eventually painted most of the letters by hand. Enjoy the details/close-ups below:
Mad Max: Fury Road

Mad Max: Fury Road

Custom movieposter for Mad Max: Fury Road
