YASHINSKI Studios profil

Celio - Levitation


Commissioned by Gustavo Productions and Director Guy Sagy, this surreal spot was shot using the Phantom High-Speed camera, a couple of Greenscreens, one trampoline and the Canon 5D (for high-res stills) in the lovely Bucharest, Romania.
We took part in both the editorial stage and post-production, virtually controlling the entire creative aspect.
The talented director Guy Sagy wanted to homage Mastero Bruno Aveillan unique tilt/shift style, so DOP Roman Lintzki utilized some "split diopters" which we later on replicated in Post on several shots. To Roman's surprise it's practically impossible to differentiate the post (FX) blurs from the practical (Lens) ones. o aveillan
Client - Celio (2011)
Production - Gustavo Productions
Director -  Guy Sagy
DOP - Roman Lintzki
Editorial & Post - Yaron Yashinski
3D - Elad (Katha) Naim
Soundtrack - Guy Amitai
This video was created by YASHINSKI Studio.

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Celio - Levitation

Celio - Levitation

Celio - Levitation
