My school offers the students a Portfolio Show when graduating from your program. The students are in charge of exposing their best pieces, designing and building their own booth. The school then invites companies in the area to visit the show to select possible candidates for their company.
We had our show at the Artisphere in Arlington, VA this year. We had a great number in attendance.
I began with my branding. Also with some collaterals.
I made some sketchbooks/notepads as my giveaways myself. I used some of my artwork for as covers. I made 100 units, and I was left with about 5. It was a great success! 
I designed my booth with a country feel, I wanted to bring a little of 'country' to the city. I love craftsmanship, and working with wood. My best artwork was on display and inside the wooden crates. I wanted to welcome my visitors and give them an opportunity to open my books, touch, and examine my projects. 
My giveaway basket was a popular site.
My Capstone Project on display. I received great feedback and also some more suggestions to enhance the concept. Although this was just a prototype, I had visitors ready to purchase my Cozy Project.
The wooden crates displayed all of my publications. Visitors were able to open them, and go through them. 
My booth at Portfolio Show

My booth at Portfolio Show

Final Portfolio Show Booth displaying best works
