Kaiser KS's profile

The pig president @ Salted Fish 鹹魚的故事

About the author
Since 2014, I have started a part time job comic column at passiontimes.hk. Salted fish is my own design comic character. My Inspiration come from Animal farm which is a classic english novel and Shaolin Soccer a moive from Steve Chow. A man live without dream, life goal, just like a salted fish. My Character is designed to express hopeless people in a funny way, let people try to have some reflection on their life. 
Project Background
In this project, salted fish and his family have six member, Salted Fish 索特菲斯, Pig President 霹靂, Locust 路斯, Boss 波士 , Lucy 露西. Story happened in a small island in Subtropical regions. In this city, people only care is money and power, they never have dream.
‘This city is dying, you know.’ People in this have a lot of negative power in stead of dreams. They never think everything can be changed, all they do is being a audience. Watching people die is they also do. In this project, I would make an animation that would try to explain my main idea of this project.
The story wanted to show the final result of absolute obedience, when people are out of value from the people, what will happen at the end? For a better world , we need have our dreams, we have to fight for dreams. Change the world and achieve our goal. 
In this short film, the human President fall down because Corrup- tion, the pig become the president. The pig president wants the world to become even, “let a group of animals be smarter and be educated.” Meanwhile, he also gives every human a robot which can do all the work for them, in order to make them lazy. No matter how hard people work, they still get the same reward. Human no need to take care everything in the daily life, humans become disable as they can’t even go to wash room on their own. They have to wear diaper all the time.
The pig president think the population of these useless human is growing. He decise to have the bloody massacre to reduce popu- lation of human. Humans are too weak to go against the massa- cre. They sing to protest. However, these stupid humans have never realized that peaceful protest is useless. Salted fishes join the massacre team, they help pig president to kill human. They get killed one by one at last. the survivors are captured in the cages and be trapped in a zoo forever. The pig shot salted fish in the back. At the moment, he realizes he has been betrayed. Here is the steam human meat with salted fish, pig favorite dish. 
The pig president @ Salted Fish 鹹魚的故事

The pig president @ Salted Fish 鹹魚的故事

In this project, salted fish and his family have six member, Salted Fish 索特菲斯, Pig President 霹靂, Locust 路斯, Boss 波士 , Lucy 露西. Story happened in Read More
