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Conway's Collaborative Game of Life

Conway's Collaborative Game of Life
A real-time, simultaneous version of the classic simulation.
Conway’s Collaborative Game of Life (CCGOL) is an experiment working with the real-time web. It came first place in the first NowJS realtime trial. The concept is inspired by Conway’s Game of Life, the textbook example of Cellular Automata. Each cell follows a simple set of rules that decides if it will survive in the next generation, based on the amount of neighbouring cells.

In this version of the game, everybody plays with the same grid at the same time. It’s your collective goal to keep the cell population above 5% for as long as possible, or the game will reset. The cells can survive on their own for a limited amount of time, but to keep them alive for as many generations as possible you’ll have to intervene by creating and killing cells at will! This is easy on your own at first but as time goes on generations will advance at accelerating speeds.

The bulk of CCGOL was designed and developed in one week for the NowJS realtime trials competition, coming first place.
Conway's Collaborative Game of Life

Conway's Collaborative Game of Life

An online version of Conway's Game of Life


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