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Чай Сумочи/Soomochi tea

Чай Сумочи/Soomochi tea
Чай на основе латука сделает вас сильным, укрепит ваше здоровье и порадует превосходным вкусом. Горячий чай успокоит вас перед сном, а прохладительный — зарядит бодростью на весь день. Наслаждайтесь силой, здоровьем и вкусняшкой!

Tea, based on the lettuce will make you stronger, enhance your health and gladden with excellent taste. Hot tea will soothe you before bedtime,
and cool one — energize you the whole day. Enjoy the power, health and amazing taste!

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 Remove the wrapper and you’ll see sumo-wrestler in all his glory!
Чай Сумочи/Soomochi tea

Чай Сумочи/Soomochi tea

Such concept is based on extraordinary new product — lettuce which never been used in tea in general. This drink has a restful effect what is use Se mer
