Capasunta's profile

Magic on this planet

Does Your Soul Have a Cold?
Surfing equates to living in the very moment of 'now'. When you ride a wave you leave behind all things important and unimportant, the purity of the moment is upon you.
There are no more committed people on the planet than surfers. We fall down a lot. We turn around, paddle back out, and do it over and over again. Unlike anything else in life, the stoke of surfing is so high that the failures quickly fade from memory.
“Not to sound too deep or weird, but I think that the times when you really appreciate surfing are the times you're really sort of becoming one with nature. Surfing's as raw of a sport as it gets.”
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
Sometimes in the morning, when it’s a good surf, I go out there, and I don’t feel like it’s a bad world.
Surfing, alone among sports, generates laughter at its very suggestion, and this is because it turns not a skill into an art, but an inexplicable and useless urge into a vital way of life.
Magic on this planet

Magic on this planet

"...there was purity and there was the dream, and the adventure, and there was the counterculture aspect. It was like shove society, shove the ni Read More
