Rick Hincks 的个人资料

NSPCC Brand Refresh

As Creative Lead on this project, I had to work with the strategist and help guide the creative team to create a new brand and visual representation of the chosen creative strategy. This came in the form of a refreshed identity, press advertising and ‘mood video’.
It was decided early on not to experiment with the font of the logo, due to it’s 98% brand recognition, it was therefore key to get the font for the line ‘protecting childhood’ to do all of the work. The font, coupled with the strong imagery, bringing across the unique imagination of children, really helped strengthen the message of protecting the freedom and fun that childhood brings. Something that every child deserves.
This was a job that we were all very proud of, and thoroughly enjoyed working on. Part of the project was to create a mood video to help demonstrate the message and approach we recommended.
NSPCC Brand Refresh

NSPCC Brand Refresh

As Creative Lead on this project, I had to work with the strategist and help guide the creative team to create a new brand and visual representat 阅读更多内容
