Rob Potter's profile

Bad Puppy... Sit!

This image is a composite made up of 7 different images. They are all stock images except of the very first one, or the graffitied bricks scene, and the bricks on the ground - which are photos that I captured.
The inspiration for this artwork came when I stumbled across the image of the cute german shepherd picture on the stock image site I had been looking for a project to do for a while and this was perfect and a lot of fun putting it together.
Have a look below at the short video that I put together showing the different stages that the artwork went through.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much for taking the time to have a look.
Rob Potter
Here is a video that I put together that quickly shows the transition of the project from start to finish.
Bad Puppy... Sit!

Bad Puppy... Sit!

This image is a composite made up of 7 different images. They are all stock images except of the very first one, or the graffitied bricks scene, Read More
