My theme is a dreamy yet a creepy environment. I expressed that through several things. First, I used a vivid color palette. This gives an unreal and dreamy feeling to the sketches. Second, I colored some elements in unreal colors, for example, I chose the tree branches to be purple instead of brown. Third, my main element in the environment is floating islands which do not exist in real life, so it goes well with theme. Fourth, the elements that build up my character are somehow weird to mix so they give this creepy feeling. For example, one of his hands is a bone and he has only one ear. Also, his mustache is not even; one side is curly and the other is not. The gap between his toy-like body and his devilish wings also adds up to his creepy character. In addition, he has these expressionless eyes, yet he has a peaceful smile on his face, this gap also adds to the character I want to achieve.
Cover & 3 Details
Main View
Imaginary Landscape

Imaginary Landscape

The project was about creating our own landscape and creature that lives in it. we were asked to draw a cover, a main view, 3 details and 6 thumb Další informace
