Perfil de Emily Gilroy

Do Something a bit Different

The brief for this project outlined the problem being that not enough people are utilising Britain’s canals and rivers. The brief asks for a campaign to tackle this problem and increase footfall in these areas. The second stage of the brief also asks the designer to encourage people to sign up and donate money to the Canal & River Trust.
In the solution I created for this brief I decided to tackle the problem of not enough people utilising Britain’s outdoor spaces. I came up with the tagline ‘Do Something a bit different’ for the campaign. This tagline was taken across a few different platforms in order to properly fulfill the brief. The campaign is based around a sculpture design that would be placed in the Birmingham Bull Ring shopping center. The sculpture is a huge installation (as large as an entrance to one of the shops would be) and is very brightly coloured and eye-catching. This sculpture features the words ‘Do Something a Bit Different’; therefore asking people to stop spending their time indoors and get outside. The base of the sculpture would be made of a very shiny metal and has the Canal & River Trust identity included, increasing awareness for the campaign.
Alongside the sculpture there would also be a poster campaign, using similar colours to those used in the installation and using the same tagline. These posters would be on bus stops around the local area and also included in tourist guides for the city.
The concept for the incentive to encourage people to sign up and become a friend of the Canal & River Trust is that they would get to see a message of their choosing on one of the interactive blocks. These blocks make up the background of the sculpture and would be constantly changing and displaying lots of different messages, these could be birthday messages or anniversary wishes – whatever the person chooses!
As well as getting their message included on the sculpture, anybody who donates will get a miniature block with their message on also. This means that if they donate more than once they can create their own miniature sculpture at home. 
Do Something a bit Different
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Do Something a bit Different

Create a campaign to incentivise people to spend time, visit and utilise the Canals and Rivers of England & Wales. Then think of a way to encoura Ver mais

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