Cornell University, Ithaca NY
Prof. Jerry Wells
ARCH 3101 Fall 2010
This project is a proposal for a firehouse in the outskirts of Cornell’s College of Engineering.

The program is distributed in two masses: a “wall builidng” that sits against the steep lanscape and contains the living quarters, utilities, and administrative places; and an “object building” that houses the apparatus bays for the fire trucks.

Tall, semiglazed ventilation towers create convection currents that allow the flow of clean air into the apparatus bays.

Environmental Ecotect Analysis and critique of the project:
Environmental Systems II Course, Prof. Kevin Pratt
Campus Firehouse

Campus Firehouse

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Prof. Jerry Wells ARCH 3101 Fall 2010 Proposal for a firehouse in the outskirts of Cornell’s College of Engineeri 閱讀更多
