Once you graduate from dollhouse to real house, moving furniture and belongings isn’t fun anymore. Moving means finding movers, wrapping and packing belongings, and a whole lot of expense, in fact, the moving industry is estimated to be worth $20 BILLION. To ensure Movingapp’s market share, we created a unique approach to customer support and user interaction.
Muvingapp features a straightforward process, tailored for mobile phones and tablets, that simplifies communication between movers and moving. Users turn the application into a home by photographing each room in 360 degrees and then selecting the items you wish to move with a simple tap. Your selection is sent to the mover for preparing a price quote for the moving job. It’s that simple.
The interface is built for flexibility, it works for studio apartments as well as multiple room homes with warehouses, swimming pools, and basements. Backtracking and advanced selection options are incorporated into the design, allowing for “automatic packing” and “full service” for single rooms up to entire homes.
The core of the process is the item selection screen, which we designed with so the user feels like they’re walking around in their home. Each room is showing in panorama, without interruption, to set the scene for winning maximum points and successfully moving house. We thoroughly tested every step of the moving survey to guarantee relevancy and necessity, and the Muvingapp team was fully involved in the design process.
Muving App

Muving App

Muvingapp features a straightforward process, tailored for mobile phones and tablets, that simplifies communication between movers and moving. Us Rozwiń
