Henkilön Szandra Mészáros profiili

KINO Cinema & Art Café | Identity

Identity and package design for KINO, that is a really friendly café place with a cinema in the heart of Budapest
Graduation project at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts
The logo
My main goal was to create a simple, minimal, yet smart logo, without using worn-out symbols, like a coffee mug or a camera.
KINO has a traditional spirit with antique objects everywhere, besides it gives place to young artists to exhibit on it's walls.
My inspiration for the package design's illustration was the antique feeling that is all around KINO.
I started to draw vintage objects that are related to a coffee place (like a spoon or a fork), and also visualizing movie topics, like drama or horror. These illustrations are a bit more personal, like the carnivore plant, that actually represents the romantic theme for me, or the strawberry balloon that is for the easier, lighter movies.
Packaging, napkins, menu
Structure of the take-away boxes
The boxes are designed specially for KINO by product designer Kinga Nyoszoli. We agreed that the essential aspects should be functionality, applicability and it has to be environmentally friendly.
The boxes can be cut and fold out of one piece of cardboard paper without using any glue. The only additional material is a string that goes through the box's sides, which holds it tight whilst looks aesthetically nice.
If you unloose the string, the boxes can be used as plates as well.
It came into my head that we could use famous movie quotes not only on the posters and other identity elements, but also on the aprons of the waiters. Everybody knows and uses them in everyday life and the potentials in this are actually endless.
For the posters I wanted to use a special technique, which combines the traditional and modern values, so I printed my illustrations with silkscreen, using special UV paints on the typography, that is invisible in daylight and can only be seen with UV lights in the dark.
       Photography by Judit Kozma and Szani Mészáros
       Special thanks to Tamás Faragó, Kinga Nyoszoli, Attila Auth, Botond Vörös and Cecília Pletser
KINO Cinema & Art Café | Identity


KINO Cinema & Art Café | Identity

KINO Cinema and Art Cafe redesign
