These have inspired me because of the bright colours and summery vibes. I made sure i was linking these line ups inspirations to my own work as it really helped me to create a speficic theme. The flat drawings are inspiring as it really shows the pieces off.
These are some line ups i have developed and experimented with, As my theme was summer wear i think these line ups linked well with my research. I have drawn up these sketches and added them in to inspire me. 
Photos i have used to inspire my line ups. Butterfly type patterns and simple textures is what really inspired me when doing my illustartions. The research really helped me as it gave me the simple textures and type of style i wanted to achieve.
My line ups compare to my research because i was inspired by the bright colours and summery vibes. The professinals work is lined up nicely and is very neat. It inspired me to do a simple layout but very effective. I also made my line ups very colourful just like i had researched so they would be very eye catching.
I found cropping the pictures quite difficult as you had to get the full image in. Photoshop was quite diffcult to use but i enjoyed researching the different line ups. If i was to do this again i would do more sketches and have them linked directly to other illustrators work. I would take the designs from my researched line ups and let them influnece me fully in my sketches. 




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