Profiel van Sasha Anashina

Website for "Komputerschik"

The company "Komputerschik" provides a variety of services in the field of computer help: repair of appliances to help customers online. It is engaged in assembling and selling a variety of system units, which are divided into several distinct groups; educates clients basic skills to work with operating systems. It was all thought out, grouped and illustrated in detail on the website.
At the home page Komputerschik tells everything himself.
The office of the company is not visible from the street, so its location is shown on a detailed map.
Section "About Us" tells the full story of Komputerschik from the Soviet times to the present.
Website for "Komputerschik"

Website for "Komputerschik"

The company "Komputerschik" provides a variety of services in the field of computer help: repair of appliances to help customers online. It is en Meer lezen
