Publication Design
GUNTROL? is a magazine focused on gun control in America. We strive to provide a neutral view on this current American issue. We feel it is important to inform anybody with a strong opinion on gun control in our country. The objective is to strengthen our ability to make the right decisions to create a safer community. Our printed design work is cleaner and more professional than similar magazines, because our design team provides a more modern and up-to-date appearance. The facts show that young adults lead in committing criminal acts involving guns. We feel it is important to strike this crowds interest in order to provide them with the knowledge they wouldn’t understand prior to reading. If we can attract a younger crowd then provide them with adult information we have met our goal. This means doing our part to stop violence among young people of America. We can only hope that any person that decided to pick up and read a copy of GUNTROL? will receive a greater understanding for the importance of using weapons safely and responsibly. For anybody interested in the correct usage of guns in America, we have a little bit for everybody. We cover issues such as guns in the media, censorship, new product specs, gun control, anti-gun control, politics, and many other striking, and related topics. Our magazine is updated and released monthly. Readers may notice that our name is unique, because we took the liberty to combine the words “Gun” and “Control”. We feel this is pretty self explanatory, however our name ends with a question mark which may be a bit harder to understand. The reason behind the question mark is that we want to keep a neutral view to broaden our audience. Our team is built completely of opposite views, and we want our audience to be built out of the same feuding American opinions.

For a better view of my publication design entitled GUNTROL?, please click the following link:


Guntrol? Magazine publication design created by Matthew Art Thomas.
