For years charities have focused on raising income through in-memorial products.
DONOR FLOWER originated following the success of a number of charities creating their own DONOR FLOWER design and incorporating it into their in-memorial giving programme raising huge sums for their beneficiaries.
DONOR FLOWER is the UK introducer to TR2 workshops at the Theatre Royal Plymouth, the manufacturer of the poppy sculpture in 2014 with all manufacturing completed in the UK.
I had to create a brand and image for the brand DONOR FLOWER. Creating a logo design, promotional material and website in just two days, by selling it's products in the first few weeks DONOR FLOWER is already becoming a successful in-memorial brand.
A4 double sided promo flyer
A4 Case Study


For years charities have focused on raising income through in-memorial products. DONOR FLOWER originated following the success of a number of ch Se mer
