An interactive experience to retrieve Sherlock Holmes’ memories that leads you into an adventure in Porto’s most beautiful places
This project consists in an interactive installation experience in order to retrieve Sherlock Holmes memories.
This will lead the users into a great adventure discovering some of Porto’s most beautiful places and will allow them to get connected with the story getting access to several media including video, a website and mainly an installation where they can play a game to solve a mysterious riddle.
Our story beguins in London, where Sherlock, who had guiven up on his detective cereer, reads a news story about the discovery of a long lost painting in Porto, painted by his beloved Emily. 
Fearing that his former partner and now biggest enemy, Charles Smith will try to steal this painting he quicly manages to fly to Porto.
What happens next gets kindda blury. 
Sherlock comes to Porto, meets Charles Smith and the adventure beguins
The users are asked to play a set of notes that will unlock the clues and tell where the next one is at, somewhere in the city of Porto.
Remeber Sherlock

Remeber Sherlock

An interactive experience and a different kind of city tour through Porto's downtown. Users will be involved in the history and will have to man Read More
