Henkilön Ibrahem Swaid profiili

Project Flame: Concept Art

Project Flame: Concept Art

The Project:
     In 2010 me and the rest of Nucleus team decided to build a game demo to demonistrate our capability as a team and to showcase a game of our creation. This was our first Flash-built game back when we used to code using AC2. Although there is a background story for the game, the demo focused on animation and level design as well as music composing.

The Game:
     You will venture through a mysterious underground world where you will encounter  unusual characters and monsters, uncovering the secrits of the misterous world in order to save yourself and the planet!

The Team:
Ibrahem Swaid: art direction, concept art, level design, game art.
Ehab Subahi: animator, art direction, character animation, visual effects.
Ammar Harfoosh: programer, music composing.

To play the game

Nucleus Games
Concept Art:
 Following is my contribution to the game. starting from our first concept art of the game, to level design and intro graphics.
Project Flame: Concept Art

Project Flame: Concept Art

Project Flame demo is a 2D platformer adventure Flash game, created by Nucleus Games for portfolio presentation.
