Most of Design Management is research using design tactics and tools to find the most efficient way around a problem. This project was part of my Research Methods module in postgraduate, it focused on various modes of research, their flaws and strengths. As an added bonus we were each given a present problem to solve, in our case it was tourism in Lancaster.
Lancaster is in just off the corner of the English Lake District and it doesn't get as much attention recreation wise and this module tasked us with the problem of making Lancaster more attractive to tourism. Each group had their own approach and ideas, we opted to leverage the local landscape and trade to give Lancaster a distinct characteristic in tourism. By encouraging a form of farm-based tourism that allowed for a more natural transition into the tourist sector for the region we prepared a report for the project, bringing in case studies of actual farms and businesses in the region. The whole project was a mix of various ethnographic research methods, site visitations and discussions with the local community and businesses.


Part of my MA Design Management's Research Methods module, this project focused on forming a new tourism strategy for Lancaster, UK.



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