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Binge Drinking "Don't Wake the Beast"

Binge Drinking Underage
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism underage drinking is a serious public health problem in the United States. Alcohol is the most widely used substance of abuse among America’s youth, and drinking by young people poses enormous health and safety risks. 
The consequences of underage drinking can affect everyone— regardless of age or drinking status. We all feel the effects of the aggressive behavior, property damage, injuries, violence, and deaths that can result from underage drinking. This is not simply a problem for some families—it is a nationwide concern.
Underage drinking is when anyone under the minimum legal drinking age of 21 drinks alcohol.
Underage drinking is a risk that attracts many developing adolescents and teens. When young people try alcohol, they often don’t realize the damaging effects drinking can have on their own lives, their families, and their communities.
Aside from being illegal, underage drinking is a widespread public health problem that poses many risks.
Underage drinking is widespread.
In 2009, about 10.4 million young people between ages 12 and 20 drank more than “just a few sips” of alcohol. As kids get older, they drink more.  By age 15, half of teens have had at least one drink. By age 18, more than 70% of teens have had at least one drink.
The minimum legal drinking age of 21 has been questioned, and some States have begun to consider lowering the drinking age. This trend is based on misunderstandings about the laws and their effectiveness. Because many young people drink and often suffer serious consequences, the mistaken belief can arise that lowering the drinking age might somehow alleviate these problems.. 
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Binge Drinking "Don't Wake the Beast"

Binge Drinking "Don't Wake the Beast"

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism underage drinking is a serious public health problem in the United States. Al Lue lisää
