Service Design within our lives is extremely important, but do we know what this term means? Do we know what is classified
as a 'service?' Do we realise how much we use services in our everyday lives?
Infomuse is a method to gain real data about how Service Design works using three main tools - camera, notes and maps.
We asked a small group was asked to participate in Service Design related tasks using these tools so that we could better understand how users interact or don't interact with services on a daily basis. During this research we discovered how most
people didn't understand Service Design or what defined a 'service.' Thus this book became a guide to understanding
Service Design, generated by the users.
This is Service Design methodology; a book generated by the users of services and in turn, a service in itself.
Flashcards about Service Design which accompany the book so that readers can become familiar with Service Design


A project completed at ESAG Penninghen, Paris with Giulia Boschi. Infomuse is a method to gather real life data about how Service Design works i Se mer
