Background and brief
Our experiences in the web industry over the past years pointed us towards a ‘new web’ that is becoming the standard for communication, advertising, socializing, financing and much more. In the next few years the web will keep on growing and will extend across new aspects of our lives. Technologies, products, services, places, knowledge and people will all be web-enabled, creating new connections and new interactions, hence new networks. Business success will rely on harmonious and valuable networks, called Meta Products. Designing meaningful Meta Products will be the key for innovation across many industries. All this triggered us to research further on this topic and explore the space where designers and other creative entrepreneurs have a role.
Book presentation, Mutz shaking hands with Menno
We made lots of infographics
Really, lots of them
We wrote and designed the book ‘Meta Products, Meaningful Design For Our Connected World’. We explored theories, cases, practices and opinions around the Internet of Things and shared our own vision on the role of designers and creative entrepreneurs in this context. The book contains many expert interviews from both commercial and academic worlds and illustrates cases of pioneer projects around the world. The book introduces Network Focused Design as a design approach that helps to cope with the ‘fuzzy front end’ of developing web-enabled product-service networks. The key ideas of the book are about gearing up teams with the right tools and mindset to design information-fueled services. It also aims to motivate companies to collaborate and take advantage of the possibilities of data driven innovation.
The book covers cases of Meta Products and a theoretical part
The website
Almost the complete book is freely available online
Albert approves
Meta Products

Meta Products

In-house written book with theories and design approaches for the Internet of Things
