With the increasing surge of technology appearing in the home, one of the more misunderstood challenges faced in the future will be ecosystem of home technology. More importantly solving how to bring all pieces of technology into single cohesive system.
At present smart homes & home automation is at its very early roots. This stage is currently focuses on breaching into the market and as so designers have not faced this issue. The focus now is to get into the home and not how it will play along down the road.
There can be no concrete solution, however the best way to approach the issue by the establishment and creation of a centralized hub by which all technology of the home is controlled, operated and monitored. 
The solution is GRID.
GRID is a next generation automated central hub for everything in your home.
GRID brings the capabilities of advanced mainframe systems into the home, through sophisticated, elegant and compact package of hardware and software. Core components and technologies powered by Intel.
In essence GRID is your home supercomputer.
GRID becomes the root of all your technology, all devices, including phones, tablets, computers, televisions, smart appliances and smart cars all become an extension of this central system. This devices simply become the means by which you interact with GRID
GRID can adapt and learn your routines and behaviors and intelligently control your home appliances, lights, doors, windows, security camera’s, etc..
GRID also doubles as your home’s new smart climate control system, recycling and using heat from its operation to gently and effectively heat your home. 


Future home technology concept created for the DES 3170 Module.
