Chris MacBains profil

Ancient Egypt (2013)

Primary camera view of the main scene.
This project began as a fanart / homage to the Serious Sam video game series. I always enjoyed the Ancient Egyptian setting the game took place in. Depicting the Giza Necropolis and its Great Pyramid back its era felt like a good way to get some general practice with Maya, which was mainly the idea at the time.

Note: The layout isn't meant to be historically accurate.
Wireframe view of the main scene.
The biggest, if not only, challenge here was getting the sand dunes to look real which took some practice and a lot of messing around with Maya's sculpting tools.

In the end, I also animated a couple of cameras and put together a small video. It's nothing amazing, mostly an experiment, but I thought I might as well include it.
Ancient Egypt (2013)

Ancient Egypt (2013)

One of my early 3D projects inspired by the Serious Sam video game series.
