Andrew Nye profili

SHOP SS15– Stockholm and Prague

SHOP SS15 Stockholm & Prague
So massively happy to be asked to design a couple of cover illustrations for SHOP magazine's SS15 series– Stockholm and Prague.
These were made around April 2015. I've included a couple of alternative crazy thoughts that didn't make it through.
Stockholm alternative draft– Perfume Garden
The Prague theme Jewellery inspired by nature, referencing a beetle in the main article.
Prague alternative draft– Shark tooth necklace (also referenced in the main article)
Thought i'd record some of the journey... for fun... loads of trials, errors and pushing shapes.
The background music is taken from 'The grandiloquent truth of gestures' by Youth in colour used with permission
SHOP SS15– Stockholm and Prague
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SHOP SS15– Stockholm and Prague

SHOP SS15– Stockholm and Prague cover illustrations and 2 alternative draft concepts

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