Femme by Fox
3D Packaging
The Fox brand is spreading its presence into mainstream life. Fox is no longer strictly for those that participate in the sport of motocross, the brand and logo are truly a fashion statement.  With the recent introduction of their women’s line of ready to wear, Fox could seek opportunities to expand their product line for women. A probable extension to the Fox brand would be a line of makeup and skin care products for both women who participate in motor sports and for those who do not. This new line of makeup will take beauty needs found on the trail and within the city and merge them together into products that serve multiple purposes. Therefore these products will have no limitations and will blend perfectly into the everyday and the extreme.

This line of products came into reality from personal experience. As a woman that both enjoys ATV off roading in the summer and snowmobiling in the winter, I have yet to find a line of makeup that covers all of my needs while on the trail. Often the makeup runs resulting in a loss of coverage and rarely protects my skin from the harsh elements. Most riders suffer the most from sun burn while out and about, and I am no exception to the rule, therefore a foundation and lip balm that contain spf and provide great coverage would perfectly fit the demand. Furthermore, after spending hours outdoors skin gets rough and cracked, therefore a rich and intensive hand cream could be the product that starts a line of skin care to match this new makeup line.

This line, titled Femme by Fox, will provide today’s generation of women with makeup that will resist rough conditions, provide excellent coverage, and ensure that every woman can feel beautiful no matter what. Whether the day is spent on the trail or in town, those using the Femme by Fox line will have hours of continuous coverage, essential spf protection, and well nourished skin.
SPF Foundation
Intensive Therapy Hand Cream
SPF Flavored Lip Balm
Final System
Femme by Fox

Femme by Fox

FOX Skincare line. Project for 3D Packaging Fall 2011.
