Amidst a portfolio filled with projects carrying profound backstories and purpose, this particular creation shines with its unapologetic hint of vanity. It all started when I landed my first job at an agency, and my fascination with minimalist design took root. Growing up in the heavy metal and punk scene, I held a special place in my heart for the band Descendents.

Inspired by their lyrics from the song "Cheer," I embarked on a journey to infuse minimalism into their iconic sound. The album cover, featuring an edgy illustration of toilet paper with a signature red hue, struck a chord with me. Drawing from my appreciation for homemaker aesthetics and interior design, I ingeniously reimagined the lyrics through an interior "vibe," stripping the design to its core elements.

As I ventured into this project, my passion for minimalism and the Descendents' music intertwined beautifully, giving rise to a unique and compelling visual narrative. The result was a harmonious fusion of artistic expression, simplicity, and nostalgic charm.

Though this endeavor may have been born out of a touch of vanity, it grew into an authentic piece that resonates with anyone who appreciates the power of minimalism and the soul of music. Embodying a feel-good essence, this project stands as a testament to the captivating beauty of artistic expression, even in its simplest form.


Go check out the Descendents doco-Filmage. A heart warming tale about a bunch of dudes doing what they love
