Profil użytkownika „Roberto Bigano”

Plastic Girls 1979-2011

Plastic Girls | 1978-2011
I have been shooting "Plastic Girls" for over thirty years.
They fascinate me, and I find they tell a lot about a country's culture and the evolution of fashion and style.
It is crucial to clarify that all mannequins, without exception, were photographed in the store's windows, always through the glass of the windows and never with special permits. All these wonders are right there, available to anyone who can see them.
I've always been amazed by window display stylists' talent to set up and light the store windows, often in extraordinary ways, the objects. I think every photographer has a lot to learn from them.
120 pages, 110 black & white, and color photographs. Available in a large and compact size.

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1978 | Roma, Italy | Leica M2+Summaron 50/2.8. Film Ilford HP5 1000 ISO
Serving the army I was assigned to the photo dept. My boss borrowed me a Leica M2. This was the very first image that I shot with a Leica.
1979 | Strick. Braunschweig, Germany | Nikon FM 50 f1.4 Film Ilford HP5
1979 | Braunschweig, Germany | Nikon FM 24/2.8 Film Ilford HP5
1979 | Stockolm, Sweden | Nikon FM 50/1.4. Film Ilford HP5
1980 | Streifen. Berlin, Germany 1980  | Nikon FM 50/1.4. Film Ilford FP4
1980 | Regent St, London, UK | Nikon FM 50/1.4. Film Kodak PlusX Pan
1984 | Beverly Hills, California | Wista 4x5 in" Rodenstock Makro Sironar 300/5.6. Film Kodak Ektachrome Professional 50T
1985 | Sunset Strip. Hollywood, California | Wista 4x5 in" Rodenstock Sironar 150/5.6. Film Kodak Ektachrome Professional 50T
1985 | Cowgirls. Beverly Hills, California | Wista 4x5 in" Rodenstock Sironar 150/5.6. Film Kodak Ektachrome Professional 50T
1985 | J.Magnin. Beverly Hills, California | Wista 4x5 in" Rodenstock Sironar 150/5.6. Film Kodak Ektachrome Professional 50T
1988 | Altman's Dept Store. New York | | Linhof Technika 4x5 in" Rodenstock Sironar 150/5.6. Film Kodak Vericolor L
KaDeWe Dept. Store. Berlin, Germany | Linhof Technika 4x5 in" Rodenstock Sironar 150/5.6. Film Kodak Vericolor L
1986 | Annabel. Copenhagen, Denmark | Hasselblad CM + Sonnar 150/4. Film Kodak Ektachrome Professional 200
1990 | KaDeWe Dept. Store. Berlin, Germany | Linhof Technika 4x5 in" + Rodenstock Sironar 150/5.6. Film Kodak Vericolor S
1987 | Sevilla, Spain | Leica M3 + Tele-Elmar 135/4 . Film Fuji Reala
1999 | Via Duomo, Napoli, Italy  | Leica M3 + Summicron 50 Short Focusing Device. Film Fuji Velvia 50
2007 | Firenze, Italy | Canon Powershot G9
2007 | Deiters am Karnival. Cologne, Germany | Canon Powershot G9
2009 | Mango. Vienna, Austria | Hasselblad  Super Wide + Carl Zeiss Biogon 38 mm with Hasselblad 528 Digital Back
I have been shooting these mannequins without precise planning. I only recently understood the value of this project and began to scan, order, and edit thousands of images. The shots were taken in analogic and digital, large view cameras and small point-and-shoot, transparency, black&white and color negative. One problem was to homogenize the files leaving at the same time their peculiar features.
Now flipping through the book's pages, you can notice that any of them is balanced and sharp enough to faithfully document the evolution of fashion and style.
2010 | Oltre, Trento, Italy | Canon Powershot G9
2010 | Verona, Italy | Olympus EP1, Leitz Summicron 50
2010 | Berscka. Verona, Italy | Canon Powershot G11
2013 | Etro. Verona, Italy | Canon Powershot G1X
2013 | Excelsior, Verona, Italy  | Nikon D800, 50mm 1.8
2010 | Self Portrait. Luisa Spagnoli. Verona, Italy | Olympus EP1, Leica Summicron 50
Plastic Girls 1979-2011

Plastic Girls 1979-2011

My book on mannequins documenting over 30 years of evolution in fashion and style
