Potentially, I was hoping to include work that presents further exploration around the relationship that contrast the animal beings imprisoned within a zoo, thus unnatural environment in captivity has, “rendered them almost extinct” (Berge 1980).  
“To the same degree as man has raised himself above the state of nature, animals have fallen below it: conquered and turned into slaves, or treated as rebels and scattered by force, their societies have faded away, their industry has become unproductive, their tentative arts have disappeared” (Buffon cited by Berger 1980).
During 2013, Chomsky identified the decline for the “right of nature” in our society. This “right” is condemned as Berger describes that it is always the, “lack of common language, its silence, guarantees its distance, its distinctness, its exclusion, from and of man” (Berger 1980) that allows the chaos to creep unnoticed into our collapsing society. Further exploration within the concept of domesticated hybrids would have led me to construct appropriated imagery to signify the aesthetics of a “zoo”. According to Berger, he describes a zoo as the “living monument to their own disappearance” (Berger 1980). The caption of this work would present voyeuristically displayed models within the cage of these domesticated animals.
Domestic Hybrids

Domestic Hybrids

Domestic Violence

