Kathie Zhang (BFA Graphic Design)
There are hundreds of languages both spoken and written, but only one language is shared amongst all: the language of the heart. Things can be lost in translation, or hidden between the lines, but an emotional response is always felt raw and whole. As children we understood this language the best, when our heads knew no words and our hearts were open to all the world could give us, and so I strive to bring viewers back to this simpler time through works that emphasize interactivity and the projection of personal feelings. Childhood is fleeting, but a child's heart can still live on, and by experiencing this viewers can reevaluate the methods through which they communicate with the world.
Lost Socks: this piece featured two boxes placed in opposite areas of the gallery, each holding one half of a pair of socks. The original intent was to have gallery viewers take a sock and find someone else who has the other half, and then hang them up together. However, many chose to focus more on the experience rather than the goal, and so many paired up socks randomly but with great enjoyment.
Signage for Lost Socks.
Bamboo Baby: this piece feature a plushie doll designed using imagery of bamboo shoots. The title is a play on words in Japanese, as bamboo shoots are called "take no ko" which can also sound like "child of bamboo". By creating a doll reminiscent of the comfort items we had in childhood, such as blankets or stuffed animals, the intent was for audiences to have a medium upon which they can project their personal feelings.
Signage for Bamboo Baby.
Boat Bed: this piece featured a handmade boat-shaped bed that viewers could lie or sit in. The tent was made out of blackout cloth and lanterns were hung inside and around the installation. Though inspired by my personal experiences in life, such as growing up on an island and making blanket forts, the meaning of the work is left up to viewers' interpretations. There were many different reactions to the boat, ranging from memories of cribs and wombs to the boat acting as a metaphor for a rocket into space. All viewers agreed however, that the bed was very comfortable.
Within and around the Boat Bed were handmade lanterns that hun with fishing wire so as to create a sense that the lanterns were floating. The inclusion of these lanterns was meant to help prevent the Boat Bed from being taken too literally and to encourage a sense of otherworldliness.
Detail of lantern.
Signage for Boat Bed.
2015 Thesis Show

2015 Thesis Show

At Boston University, visual art students use their final semester to develop a thesis and then create a body of works for it. For graphic design Läs mer
