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Email Marketing Statistics Infographic

Infographic by Invesp
Email marketing statistics you can’t ignore
Did you know that email marketing is 40 times more effective than Facebook or twitter in terms of new customer acquisition? That is impressive considering the fact that email marketing is not new. With 73% of marketers saying that email marketing forms the core of their marketing effort and 59% saying they will increase their email marketing budget for 2015, it is evident that email marketing is here to stay.
Expect the number email accounts to hit the 5.2 billion mark by 2018, from the current 4.1 billion accounts. 81% of US shopper admit that they are at least likely to make additional purchases, either online or at the store, as a result of promotional emails. 69.7% of US internet users prefer to use email as a means of communicating with businesses.
The most sent type of emails sent are promotional emails, which account for 53.5%. Transactional and personal emails take 28.3% and 18.2% respectively. According to Epsilon, at least 50% of active subscriber list will open their emails or click on the emails.
Marketers will also be impressed with this statistic from Invesp: email has the highest conversion rate of 66% compared to social media. In fact, your prospect is 6 likely to click your email link than your twitter link.
Now that you are convinced of the potency of email marketing, two things must be noted. First, the stats show that personalized promotional emails perform better than non-personalized promotional emails.  Secondly, emails that are optimized for mobile viewing are the best. The average mobile ad revenue ($0.40) is more than double the average desktop email ad revenue ($0.19).
Email Marketing Statistics Infographic

Email Marketing Statistics Infographic

Infographic on Email Marketing Statistics
