Concept art + visual development (and eventually animation!) for a personal pet project about how shadows are actually made of tiny little birds. A story about embracing fear and facing up to yourself in order to grow up. Based off the below incredibly vague beatboard done for my cinematic storytelling final at RISD:
Pieces included in the following set center around the first major beat and environment of the story, the Nest.
First floor layout :
+ with animated elements :
Second floor layout : 
+ with animated elements : 
Still exploring characters, but following the idea that birds are symbolic representations of the soul, the protagonist is based specifically off the aracari toucan (which initially inspired the story). 
On the left are a few kite designs.
Earlier iteration with more child-like proportions and color style tests.
Transitioning to the next scene and subsequent area, I wanted to create trees that could subtly form an enclosure while still remaining recognizeable trees.
More in-depth environment designs/layouts and character animation tests to come! 
Before Noon

Before Noon

Concept art + visual development for a personal pet project and ideally a short film.
