The Brief - We were each given a product at random and the challenge was to reinvent its packaging in an illustrative way. 
My product was a pack of three balls of string. Initially exploring various words that are assosiated with string, I wanted to think of a concept that was fun and playful. This was when I decided upon the traditional string game Cats Cradle. 
The game is played by two or more people where sequences of string figures are created using their hands. Each player takes it in turns to remove the string and re-manipulate it. 
Taking this idea forward I created a triangular shaped box and illustrated the base of the packaging with a repeat pattern of hand figures playing Cats Cradle. 
Game Difficulty 
Easy - Yellow string
Medium - Green string 
Hard - Red string
String Packaging

String Packaging

The Brief - Illustratively reinvent the packaging of a product.


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