Facilitator, designing the concept of the course

Greening the mind was a collaboration course between MA and BA department of Architecture and Design at the Academy of the Fine Arts in 2014 

The aim of the course was to consider different ways to add diversity, vitality and humanity into our public space in connection with food production.


Food is a great way to connect people and healthy food has a positive impact on all our senses. Community based food production has many advantages. It gives people a common interest to work on and provokes cohesion. It faces the food insecurity we live in by bringing the food back to the people. 
It is a great challenge to recreate our public space and bring back the food into the neighborhood in a city that has low density like Reykjavik. 
The advantage on focusing on public spaces lies in planting seeds that can spread both into the lives of individuals and into the world as whole. 

Greening the Mind

Greening the Mind

Facilitator, designing the concept of the course Greening the mind was a collaboration course between MA and BA department of Architecture an Read More


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