Athlon Car Lease

Athlon Car Lease is one of the most innovative companies when it comes to durable mobility. And they are the first car lease company to offer electric powered cars to their clients. So when the Dutch government decided to seriously speed up the use of electric driving, we immediately responded. With a full page in a leading Dutch newspaper. On the exact day our Queen presented her new members of parliament and the plans they have for the coming year, on 'Prinsjesdag'. The headline reads: 'For these people in the drivers seat, electric driving can't go fast enough'. Subtitle: 'Athlon Car Lease totally agrees'. The ad got noticed not only by the general public, but also by the politicians portrayed. We rewarded them all by giving them the helmet they're wearing in the picture. On the same day we also created a 'tableau vivant' of the campaign image in The Hague. The press were quick to capture the moment thus generating a lot of free publicity.

Athlon Car Lease

Athlon Car Lease

Full page ad for Athlon Car Lease to promote electric driving.


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